
621 Movie Reviews

358 w/ Responses

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I bow down to your almighty greatness!

Lets give this guy a fucking round of applause. This is one of the best DBZ Animations I have ever seen in my entire life. It is so beautifully animated and the sounds with the music was DBZ Material! All f the Saiyan forms looked beautiful and the character you created, Xion I think, was really cool looking when he did his transformation. The Art and Animation in this flash was fantastic! I was totally crying on how beautiful this piece of work is! The only bad thing was that Super Saiyan 4 Transformation. It really wasn't Super Saiyan 4 but it looked cool anyways! You really have outdone your Majin-Ryan. I am definitly putting this DBZ Flash into the DBZ Collections and on to my favorites list! Overall, this flash was Fantastic and I loved watching it. Fantastic Work! Responses are gladly appreciated. :D 10/10 for you Majin-Ryan!

GRAPHICS: 10, OMG, they were so beautifully done. The Art and Animation was just unspeakable, no words to describe how great the Graphics were in this flash!

STYLE: 10, A DBZ Style Flash is just plain Awesome. I love DBZ and this is by far the best DBZ Flash I have ever seen. I love the DBZ Style with the fighting and the Super Saiyan Transformations! :D

SOUND: 10, One of the best parts about DBZ is the DBZ Music. The Music sounds so entergetic and outgoing. It sounds like it is a real episode. Also, the Sound Effects were really good as well.

VIOLENCE: 10, There is so much Violence in this that it isn't even funny. DBZ is just pure awesome. You could never get enough of it. Well, that just my opinion.

INTERACTIVITY: 2, A nice cool looking Dragonball Play Button! It also moves in a circle too! :D lol!

HUMOR: 9, Some parts in this DBZ Flash actually made me laugh.

OVERALL: 10, This is one heck of a beautiful piece of DBZ Work made my Majin-Ryan. Keep up the good Work, your doing way much better then Barry! :D


PS: Make another flash like this and you are going on my favorite authors list! :D

Majin-Ryan responds:

Thanks for the great review.

I'm glad you like it, I put 2 months (Almost 2 anyway) into this, and I didn't want to rush it, I'm glad at how it turned out in the end. I'm thinking about making full length episodes instead of part episodes. It may take a while to create another movie but I'll be working hard on another movie when an idea comes to my head.

I didn't expect this one to come out so early. :/

Wow, this is the third Comedy Flash that I've reviewed today and I am in quite of a happy mood today. The Sprites were used very well. The Music in this flash was very catchy, especially the Japaneses song. What is that Japaneses song called? It's really freakin catchy! All the scenes were quite random so I'll review them all one by one. The #1 Scene was pretty funny and it had a long speech to it. I also loved that DS game. The #2 Scene was pretty cool. Napolean Dynamite is the shit! The #3 Scene was when Samus was sleeping and being lazy. That Scene was alright but it was a little to quick. The #4 Scene was really cool. Tails was so pissed at Sonic for some random reason. The #5 Scene was just plain fucked up! A guy stepped on the little people that were dancing. I laughed though. lol! The #6 Scene was very random. The Box came out of nowhere and hit him in the head. Ouch! The #7 Scene was was Random and Funny. Sonic will never stop punching Shadow! The #8 Scene was hilarious. That scene made me laugh! Tails was taking no shit from Eggman. The #9 Scene with the Spaceships was cool. The Music was also catchy as well. The #10 Scene with Amy Rose was alright. It could of been better though. The #11 Scene was Hilarious. That scene also made me laugh as well. Kirby dancing to that Milkshake Song was Classic! The #12 Scene was Totally Random. Sorry to say but I really didn't find that scene funny. The #13 Scene was umm very weird, it wasn't my taste. The #14 Scene was funny. Mario is stupid enough to jump into the perpeliers. The #15 Scene was quite random. Tails had problems with the loading screen. lol! The #16 Scene was freakin Hilarious! I never saw Typlosion do that in my life. lol! The #17 Scene was pretty neat. Baby Bowser saying "Me love you long time" was funny! The #18 Scene was fucked up. A Cow coming out of nowhere and smashing Mario into bitz. Ouch! The #19 Scene was funny. I am gussing he loves doing his job as a cop. The #20 and last scene was really fucked up. Those guys are never coming back again, ever! Well, this review was pretty long. I still feel that part one was funnier then part 2 for some odd reason. I am going to put this flash into my favorites list because it is so random! Overall, this flash was Great and I enjoyed watching it Great Work! Responses are gladly appreciated. :D 8/10 for you guys!

GRAPHICS: 8, The were Sprites that were used really good. The Scenes also looked good as well!

STYLE: 8, You guys have a lot or Randomness Stlye in you. You guys should make more Random Scene but make them more funnier.

SOUND: 9, I really loved the Catchy Japaneses music, that was Awesome! Also, the Milkshake and those other song was really cool as well.

VIOLENCE: 9, Some of the Scenes were totally fucked up like the Atom Bomb and the Step of the Midget Dancers.

INTERACTIVITY: 6, A Play Button, A Replay Button, A Select Scene Buttons, and Many other Buttons.

HUMOR: 8, Some of the Scene gave me a good laugh! Keep making more of theses random Scene!

OVERALL: 8, Great Work Guys and I can't wait for Part 3. :D


PS: Make Part 3 funny so that I could fall out of my chair laughing! XD

64 responds:

Biggest review evah!

I think you messed up the sequence of skits, but I see what you did. In scene selection, the skits go left to right, not top to down.

Thanks, though :)

Alright Bigfoot! Keep it up dude!

That was a really good Quickie Flash there Bigfoot! I am guessing that school is doing this to you. Well Anyways, the Art and Animation in this flash is awesome. It's your type of Art that makes it stand out from the other flashes, which is a good thing. The Comedy in this flash is Hilarious. It almost made me fall off my chair. The only bad thing about this flash was that it was too short for my blood. This Comedy Flash is definity going on my favorites list! I can't wait to see more flashes from you in the future, especially the Comedy Types of flashes. Overall, this flash was Awesome and I enjoyed watching it. Awesome Work Bigfoot! Responses are gladly appreciated. 9/10 for you!

GRAPHICS: 9, Your own Style of Graphics is just plain Awesome. Your Style is different from the rest of the groups.

STYLE: 9, A Comedy Style Flash just plain Rocks out loud. Comedy flash are the best in my opinion!

SOUND: 9, You put one of the best Comedian Voices in this flash, which is totally Awesome. You used him in your other flashes as well.

VIOLENCE: 10, That is just totally Violent right there. "Slip and Bleeds from the Anus". That made me laugh. lol! Also, there was Blood so I had to give Violence a 10!

INTERACTIVITY: 1, A Play Button! No Replay Button?

HUMOR: 10, Wow, I literally died of laughter when this Comedian did his type of Comedy! Dane Cook is Awesome! :D

OVERALL: 9, Damn Dude, you almost had my ten but maybe next time. Well Anyways, Keeps up the Awesome Work Bigfoot! :D


PS: You better make your next flash a good one so I could fall off my chair! :D

Bigfoot3290 responds:

One of my most loyal reviewers has returned with his best review yet. I can't tell you how annoying it is to see reviews that are like, "Nice job." You know, those two word bs reviews. This one has some meat to it, and I really appreciate the time you took to right it, Seamonky. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Since I knew it was gonna be short, I tried pretty hard on the graphics and animation. It seems to be paying off :D I can't take much credit for the comedy. You can thank Dane Cook for that. I didn't put in a replay button because it loops right back to the beginning, so you can think of the "Play" button as a a "Replay" button as well. I'll try to make you fall out of your chair next time, although I wouldn't want to harm you :P Thanks for the great review and fav!

Wow! This is just like a real South Park Episode!

I was totally amazed by this piece of work. The Art and Animation looked beautiful. The Characters and the backgrounds look exactly like the original South Park Episodes on Comedy Central. The Voices were exactly the same as well, quite weird. There was a lot of Comedy in this flash and I love Comedy in a Flash. The Funniest parts was when the news reporter puked up his intestense, the use of the Shit Word, and all the shit going that is going on in this flash. I really hope that you make a Part 3! Overall, this flash was Shitty and I enjoyed watching it! Shitty Work! ;) Responses are gladly appreciated. :D

GRAPHICS: 9, The Graphics looked Awesome. I must say they look exactly like the original South Park Episodes. This is just Incredibly Shitty! lol!

STYLE: 9, The South Park Style of a Flash is Brillant. It looked just like a real episode. Ah, the good old memories back then watching South Park on Comedy Cenral.

SOUND: 10, Just plain amazing! The Voices sounds the same and the music was South Park original!

VIOLENCE: 10, I swear, the Violence int this flash is outrageous! Shit Talk, Puking intestense, etc! I could go in forever!

INTERACTIVITY: 2, A Play Button and A Replay Button!

HUMOR: 10, This made me laugh a lot. There is so much shit in his flash! Hand in your SHIT! lol!

OVERALL: 10, A Shitty Flash by Carmel! Shitty Work! ;D


PS: Shitty Shitty Bang Bang, Shitty Shitty Bang Bang!

carmelhadinosaur responds:

omglongreview thanks for your shitty time!! A very shitty review :)
Sorry no part 3, i'm capoot ;)

This is just plain Awesome!

An Xenosaga Flash, FINALLY! The title of this Flash should be called Xenosaga in a Nutshell. That would get more attention since a lot of people like to look at Nutshell Flashes like DBZ in a Nutshell, Yu-Gi-Oh in a Nutshell, etc. The Preloader was cool! You added a mix of Newgrounds and a Xenosaga Character Pelegri! The Art and Animation looks really good. It's looks like FBF to me. The voices were really good. All the Audio's in this flash was very catchy and addicting. What is the title of that song that Albedo was singing? It's very energetic. The Funniest part was "You treated like a punk, you know thats unheard of, you better watch out." I was dying when I saw his head move like that. That scene was creative. This Xenosaga Flash is going on my favorites list! I can't wait to see a sequal to this, if your even going to make one. Overall, this flash was Awesome and I enjoyed watching it. Awesome Work! Responses are gladly appreciated. :D 9/10 for you!

GRAPHICS: 8, The Drawings and coloring were really good. I was suprised! Most of the scene's could of been better though like the Ziggy scene. Could of had a background.

STYLE: 9, An Xenosaga Music Video type of Flash, very interesting! If this is FBF Style, then wow, Awesome!

SOUND: 10, All the Audio's were very popular and catchy. I really wanna know what the title of that song is called, the one Albedo was singing.

VIOLENCE: 6, Not really much Violence here. Ziggy taking away the dolly from Momo was the most Violent thing here. lol!

INTERACTIVITY: 3, A Play Button, A Replay Button, and a Credits Buttons.

HUMOR: 9, A lot of the scenes were quite funny. "Or you and your homies!" lol!

OVERALL: 9, This was really good work. This flash my be overated by me but fuck that, I love Xenosaga! :D


PS: You better come out with a part 2. :D

Pleroma responds:

I'm glad you liked it. :D
Xenosaga in a Nutshell is a good idea. I'd do it, except I was planning on making more than one. Plus, I want room to make scenes irrelevant to the game, ie: the Ziggy scene.

It is mostly FBF (I had to go off and find out what that meant xD). I didn't actually want a background in every scene as I felt that would make it too condensed? I was trying to alternate between background and no background.

Albedo is singing "Getting away with Murder" by Papa Roach. I actually plan to revisit that Albedo scene in FlashDance2. KIRSCHWASSERS.
The list of songs used are in the Credits.

It may take me a bit longer to create the second one. Episode III made me slightly unhappy due to the way they killed off some of the (non-main) characters. Thus, my motivation and enthusiasm were hurt. But I'll still be making it! I just need time to recover. xD

Woah, Nice Flash Soulman! :D

First of off, I would like to say that the preloader looks really awesome. I wonder who created it. The guy looks like a Noob with that Santa Claus Suit. Also, I liked how you changed the name of the Preloader to Noobnation instead of Newgrounds. I must say, when I first saw this flash, my eyes rolled in my head by how much randomness was in this flash. This Flash was more random then me! The Art and Animation was really slick. It went well with the Noobnation style. The Music was really catchy, whats the name of the song? My favorite part in this flash was the sex partay! lol! The only bad things in this flash was that it was too short. Anyways, this flash was great and I enjoyed watching it. Great Work! Responses are gladly appreciated. :D 8/10 for you Soulman!

GRAPHICS: 7, Very Unique and Strange. I love the random drawings you made, very creative I must say.

STYLE: 9, The Noobnation Randomness Style was absoulity beautiful. Haven't seen Randomness like that in ages!

SOUND: 10, The best Random music ever. I need to know the title. It's really catchy and addicting!

VIOLENCE: 7, A Sex Party, Flashing lights, and Too Random for people who don't like Randomness.

INTERACTIVITY: 1, A Play Button that was awesome!

HUMOR: 8, Some parts in this flash were quite hilarious! I enjoyed seeing the humans spazzing left to right. lol!

OVERALL: 8, Great Work Soulman and Noobnation!


PS: Noobnation is the best group out there on Newgrounds! :D

TheSoulMan responds:

NoobKing made the preloader. I also love it :D

And the song is called "My Sitar", by Dr. Bombay.

Thanks for the swell review!

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